Types and Functions of Traditional Dance Accompaniment Music


There are many kinds of functions of music in dance. The music itself is something that cannot be separated in the world of dance. Because through music, all types of dances that are created in all corners of the world will seem more lively and colorful. Not only traditional dances, but all forms of modern dance will also always need a rhythm and pulse called music. Even if the music only sounds soft, the dance will still beat and penetrate the soul of the dancer himself. Since ancient times, various musical accompaniments have also been created. Although only armed with simple musical instruments from the surrounding environment, traditional dances created in the past are considered to have more magical meaning. For example, music can lead a dancer to his deepest emotional feelings. It is so deep that several phenomena have captured how magical the power of music is to the dancer.
Indonesia is an archipelago that is rich in culture and customs. One of the cultural properties possessed is the traditional dance along with its accompanying music, which is still preserved by the Indonesian people. In traditional dance accompaniment, there are various types of musical instruments that support the harmony of these traditional dances. Accompanied music is music that is used to accompany a dance. Without accompanying music in the dance, it will feel boring. Accompanied music is divided into 2 elements, namely diatonic or modern music accompaniment, and pentatonic or traditional music accompaniment. Where at this time these elements can be collaborated according to the creativity of the community
Types of Accompaniment Music
The way to use a musical instrument in each area is different and these differences affect the movements or responses of a dancer in dancing. In general, the types of accompaniment music in traditional dance are divided into 2, namely internal accompaniment and external accompaniment. Internal accompaniment is a dance accompaniment produced by the sound of the dancer’s movements, such as the sound of clapping hands in the Saman dance, the sound of metal rings from the Belgian dance, and the sound of plates from the Candle dance. Meanwhile, external accompaniment is a dance accompaniment that is produced from outside the body of the dancer or other person either through a more diverse series of words, songs, rhymes, or music. In Indonesia, several musical accompaniments are used to accompany traditional dances. Among them is the music of Gambang Kromong, the Music of Goong Luang, the Music of Humming Jolo, and so on.
Accompaniment Music Function
The function of accompaniment music has an important role in the dance. In general, the function of accompaniment music in dance can be defined as an entertainer and a complement to a dance. Musical accompaniment can support the impression of life in the dance so that the message conveyed by the dancer can be conveyed to the audience. As for several other functions in musical accompaniment in traditional dance, are:
• As a movement accompaniment, dancers are helped to determine or create beats and make it easier to memorize movements.
• As an illustration, with the musical accompaniment, the audience can imagine what situation the dancer is performing.
• As an atmosphere builder, in this case, the accompaniment music functions to give a dramatic-dramatic impression and is not monotonous so that the atmosphere displayed is by the purpose of the story.
• Adding a beautiful value to dance, musical accompaniment helps beautify the dance by the movements and themes being sung. Besides, it reinforces the movement and supports performance.

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