The Network also offers tailored advice and support for members, which includes session observation and supportive feedback from an experienced early years music practitioner. Audiences can look forward to hearing captivating arrangements of songs and instrumentals and a brand new commission by these wonderful musicians. Sign up to receive up to date information about events, news and offers via our Email alerts. Music Network is a national music touring and development organisation, and was founded in 1986 by the Arts Council/An Chomhairle EalaĂon.
The Fair Plé movement was started in Ireland last year by internationally renowned singer/songwriter Karan Casey to raise awareness about and promote gender equality in traditional and folk music (). The Group went on to perform at the 20 th Return to Camden Town Festival and most recently at an International Women’s Day double bill concert with The Mulcahy Family at the Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith. This group will be limited in number, and be made up of those who can collaboratively represent the wide and diverse experiences of Bradford’s music sectors, from local grassroots through to those having a major impact on the regional and national music scene. As a small charity we rely upon donations from generous individuals, trusts and companies to support our work with children and young people across London.
Launched in September 2012, the Network has attracted over 300 members from settings as diverse as arts organisations to community nurseries, as well as freelance music practitioners and Head Teachers. Regional Early Years Music networking events allow members to meet peers and experienced EY music practitioners, share practice with each other and pick up new tools, resources, songs and games to use in their own settings. The IBG draws from a bespoke, detailed and sophisticated database to inform its work and steer the agendas for its meetings. These networks are a placed for teachers and facilitators to have supportive conversations in helping young people in SEMH settings move forwards in their individual musical journey.
“I love it because starting out there has given me the confidence to speak to industry people who I would have been too nervous to talk to before and I’ve also met some creative, like-minded friends.” “I get involved in the opportunities, to build more knowledge about the industry, make new connections. I know if I need advice or guidance that they’ll support me.” The UVG are delighted to be back delivering our weekly group singing sessions to young people in the Portsmouth area and providing…
The Trailblazer and Catalyser Funds offer grants to support organisations working with young people facing barriers to make, learn and earn in music. On air 24 hours a day non-stop, this is an online radio station that broadcasts from the United Kingdom. Its programming is dedicated to the best music hits from the eighties. They can also be accessed in the Music Coordinators Toolkit page of the LM website, shortly before the meetings take place. It is hoped that from this core of founding members the network will grow in number in order to further enrich the conversation. Moreover, those with an interest in musical work from beyond academia are equally welcome.
These are larger grants of ÂŁ30,001 to ÂŁ300,000 and there is a more detailed application process. Internet Radio UK lists all top online radio stations from the United Kingdom. Please email with any suggestions that you would like added to an agenda and we will do our best to include them over the course of the year.